Digitalization of Cultural Heritage
GI Informatik Festival 2024
26th September 2024 in Wiesbaden, Rhein-Main University of Applied Sc.
Cultural heritage creates identity to people, society and nations. But in many regions of this world tangible cultural heritage is in danger due to erosion or political conflicts. Thus, cultural knowledge is lost and cannot be passed on to future generations.
This workshop deals with the urgent question of the possibilities of digitalizing and virtualizing cultural heritage in order to preserve it digitally and make it accessible to a broad audience, regardless of space and time.

The workshop begins at 9:00 with opening remarks and an introduction by the Workshop Chairs. Throughout the day, six paper sessions feature a range of international speakers, including P. Grimm, B. Mahmood, S. Rashid, L. and many more. The sessions cover topics from 3D scanning and photogrammetry to virtual reality and ethical concerns in digitalization, with discussions following each session. The workshop concludes at 17:30 with a summary and closing remarks. For the complete schedule, click the button!
We invite theoretical and applied contributions from the following areas:
- Photogrammetry, Lidar-Technologies, 3D-Scanning Technologies
- Technical workflows for the digitization of cultural heritage and the creation of digital twins
- Spatial Design, XR, VR, AR and Interactive Environments in the context of digitalization of cultural heritage
- Ethical Questions of Technology in the context of digitalization of cultural heritage
- Digital restoration of cultural assets
- Possibilities of AI in the context of digitalization of cultural heritage
- Sustainable tourism and virtual traveling
- Data storage and digital preservation of data, databases for digitalization of cultural heritage
We welcome contributions from related subject areas.
Student Paper Track
Contributions in English can be submitted in PDF format as short papers (4-6 pages), including illustrations and indexes.
Academic Track
Contributions in English can be submitted in PDF format as long papers (8-10 pages) or short papers (4-6 pages), including illustrations and indexes.
- Deadline for submissions: May 12, 2024
- Notification of acceptance/rejection: June 14, 2024
- Deadline for final submission of revised manuscripts: June 26, 2024
- Workshop: September 26, 2024, full day @ Rhein-Main University of Applied Sciences
Please submit an anonymized version of your manuscript in lni format:
English information can be accessed at the bottom of the page
Submit your manuscript via Easychair:
At least one author of all accepted papers must register for the conference (either onsite or online) and present the paper during the workshop.
Accepted papers will be published as open access in the conference proceedings of INFORMATIK 2024
Background pattern by Freepik
This workshop is organized by:

Christina B. Class
Professor for computer science at the Department of Fundamental Sciences, Ernst-Abbe-Hochschule Jena University of Applied Sciences

Julia Schnitzer
Professor of digital media at the Faculty of Informatics and Media at Brandenburg Technical University of Applied Sciences